Topic outline

  • In this course you will learn how to:

    1. Use exponential notation.
    2. Apply the exponent rules.
    3. Work with negative exponents.
    4. Change fractional exponents to radical form.
    5. Rationalise denominators.

  • What are exponents?

    Just as multiplication is a short way to write repeated addition, similarly, exponents are a short way to write repeated multiplication. 

    Exponential notation is very useful to describe very large and very small numbers.

    Exponents are a powerful way to mathematically describe rapid increases or decreases in growth. We have seen an explosion of growth in technology, which can best be described using exponents. 

    Watch the next video to see how rapidly technology has grown. 


  • Exponent rules

    The exponent rules make it simpler to work with exponents. Watch the next video for a recap of the rules of exponents and make sure to answer the questions in the video.

  • Fractional exponents and radicals

    A fractional exponent is the same as finding some root of a number.   We generalise this as: \({x }^{\frac{1}{n}}= \sqrt[x]{n}; n\in N\ , x\in R\).

    The root symbol has a special name, it is called a radical.  Each part of a radical has its own name, as shown below.

    Rewriting fractional exponents as radicals

    To change a fractional exponent to a radical, rewrite the number in the numerator of the exponent as the exponent of the radicand, and the number in the denominator of the exponent as the root as shown in the image below. 

    Test your skills of changing from fractional exponents to radicals by trying the next activity.