This YouTube video introduces you to the basics of decimals.
This course will explain what decimals are, how fractions can be expressed as decimals and how to convert fractions to decimals.
Part 1: Adding and subtracting fractions
Part 2: Examples of adding and subtracting fractions
Part 3: Common mistakes made when adding and subtracting fractions
Part 1: Comparing like and unlike fractions
Part 2: Examples of comparing like and unlike fractions
Part 3: Common mistakes made when comparing fractions
Part 1: Equivalent fractions and the simplest form of a fraction
Part 2: Examples of equivalent fractions
Part 3: Common mistakes and misconceptions
Part 1: Proper, improper and mixed fractions
Part 2: Examples of proper, improper and mixed fractions
Part 3: Common mistakes and misconceptions
This YouTube video introduces Grade 8's / Form 1's to the basics of fractions.
Use two methods to find the sum of mixed numbers: improper fractions and mixed numbers
Part 1: Multiplying integers
Part 2: Examples of multiplying integers
Part 3: Common mistakes made when multiplying integers
Part 1: Representation, comparison and ordering of integers on the number line
Part 2: Examples related to the representation and comparison of integers on the number line
Part 3: Common mistakes and misconceptions