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Newton's second law of motion is F = ma, or force is equal to mass times acceleration. Learn how to use the formula to calculate acceleration.
Newton's second law of motion is F = ma, or force is equal to mass times acceleration. Learn how to use the formula to calculate acceleration.
Learn about Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Look at multiple examples that illustrate this law, including pushing a block on ice, pushing against a desk, walking on sand, how rockets work, and how an astronaut could save themselves from drifting in space.
This online activity provides you with exercises on ordering decimals.
This video explores percentage changes.
This is a document from Fuseschool- global education which simplifies the study of recurring decimals in a simple step.
This YouTube video describes what recurring decimals are, and how to write them as fractions.
This video explores what recurring decimals are and how to write them as fractions.
This 20 minute YouTube video explores the differences between small and large scale agriculture and the uses of each.
This video explains how to round decimals.
This is an online activity providing you with exercises in sorting decimals from least to greatest.