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In this course you will learn about:
- Expanding brackets.
- Factorising by grouping.
- Factorising by finding the difference of two squares.
- Factorising trinomials.
- Simplifying algebraic fractions
In this course you will learn about:
Video 1: Explores what angles are
Video 2: Provides examples of angles
Video 3: Misconceptions about angles
This video explains the angles of elevation and depression.
This video explores the angles found in parallel lines.
In this lesson you will learn about:
This YouTube video explores the concepts of approximations and estimations.
There are some key words that you need to know for circles: radius, circumference, diameter, sector, segment, tangent, chord and arc. In this video you will discover what they all mean.
This video discusses the topic of circles.
This video explains about coefficient, constant, variable and exponents. Useful for introductions to the topic and/or extension work.
An interactive lesson discussing congruent triangles.