Topic outline

  • In this course you will learn about:

    1. Expanding brackets.
    2. Factorising by grouping.
    3. Factorising by finding the difference of two squares.
    4. Factorising trinomials.
    5. Simplifying algebraic fractions.

  • Expanding brackets

    Remember that a product is the result of multiplication. When you multiply brackets that contain terms you end up with algebraic expressions. 
    Make sure you understand all of the concepts taught in Form I Algebra before you start with this course.
    Try this activity to check your skills of multiplying a monomial by a binomial.
  • Highest common bracket

    Factorisation reverses the process of multiplying and expanding brackets. 

    For example, if we expand \(3(a+2)\) we get \(3a+6\). When we factorise, we start with \(3a+6\) and end up with \(3(a+2)\). The two expressions are exactly the same in value no matter what values we substitute for \(a\)

    Finding the Highest Common Factor (HCF) is just one of the ways that we factorise expressions. A common bracket can be taken out as an HCF if the bracket is identical in all terms, we call this factorising by taking out the highest common bracket or grouping.

    Factorising by taking out the highest common bracket is discussed in more detail in the following video. Make sure you try the activity that follows the video to test your knowledge of grouping. 

  • Difference of two squares

    A difference of two squares is a perfect square subtracted from another perfect square. A difference of squares can be rewritten as a product of binomials containing the same terms but opposite signs because the middle terms will cancel each other out if the two factors are multiplied.

    For example, \(9-4\) is a difference of two squares. \(9=3\times3\) and \(4=2\times2\) and the terms are separated by a "\(-\)" sign. So, we can rewrite \(9-4\) as \((3-2)(3+2)\). You can check for yourself that this is true, \(9-4=5\) and \((3-2)(3+2)=5\).

    This concept can be explained using the areas of squares as shown in the next animation of difference of two squares. 

  • Factorising trinomials

    A quadratic expression is any expression where the variable has a highest power (or degree) of two. \(a{x}^{2}+bx, {x}^{2}, {a}^{2}-{b}^{2}\) and \(a{x}^{2}+bx+c\) are all examples of quadratic expressions. We use the expression \(a{x}^{2}+bx+c\) so often that it has a special name.  It is called a quadratic trinomial in standard form. 
    There is more than one way to factorise trinomials, these methods are discussed in the next videos.
  • Algebraic fractions

    An algebraic fraction simply means that there are variables in the numerator or the denominator of a fraction. 

    For example, \(\frac{2}{x-2}\) is an algebraic fraction.