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Overview of types of immune responses. Difference between innate and adaptive immunity. Differences between humoral adaptive immunity and cell-mediated adaptive immunity.
Overview of types of immune responses. Difference between innate and adaptive immunity. Differences between humoral adaptive immunity and cell-mediated adaptive immunity.
In this lesson you will learn that:
You have learnt about static electricity where charged particles (electrons) can move from one object into another giving objects an overall charge. In this unit1 you will learn about current electricity. This is when a continuous flow of charge can be created using a circuit made of conducting wires and an energy source.
The flicker of numbers on a handheld calculator, nerve impulses carrying signals of vision to the brain, an ultrasound device sending a signal to a computer screen, the brain sending a message for a baby to twitch its toes, an electric train pulling into a station, a hydroelectric plant sending energy to metropolitan and rural users—these and many other examples of electricity involve electric current, which is the movement of charge. Humanity has harnessed electricity, the basis of this technology, to improve our quality of life.
This podcast (audio) file explains how electric current can be obtained from the sun through the solar panel using direct illumination of the sun rays
Determining how fast something will be traveling upon impact when it is released from a given height.
In this chapter, we’ll use vectors to expand our understanding of forces and motion into two dimensions. Most real-world physics problems (such as with the game of pool pictured here) are, after all, either two- or three-dimensional problems and physics is most useful when applied to real physical scenarios. We start by learning the practical skills of graphically adding and subtracting vectors (by using drawings) and analytically (with math). Once we’re able to work with two-dimensional vectors, we apply these skills to problems of projectile motion, inclined planes, and harmonic motion.