More details
In this course you will learn about:
- Expanding brackets.
- Factorising by grouping.
- Factorising by finding the difference of two squares.
- Factorising trinomials.
- Simplifying algebraic fractions
In this course you will learn about:
Patterns and processes of evolution. How evolution and natural selection are reflected in the similarities and differences of organisms.
This video explains about coefficient, constant, variable and exponents. Useful for introductions to the topic and/or extension work.
This video explains how to find factors.
Video 1: What are frequency polygons?
Video 2: Examples of frequency polygons
Video 3: Further examples of frequency polygons
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
This video explores how to find the mean from data in a table.
This video explores the histogram: which is one of the ways in which to present data.
Video 1: How to create a line graph based on data
Video 2: Examples of different line graphs
Video 3: Further examples of line graphs