More details
In this course you will learn about:
- Expanding brackets.
- Factorising by grouping.
- Factorising by finding the difference of two squares.
- Factorising trinomials.
- Simplifying algebraic fractions
In this course you will learn about:
This video explains the angles of elevation and depression.
This video explains about coefficient, constant, variable and exponents. Useful for introductions to the topic and/or extension work.
An interactive lesson discussing congruent triangles.
In this course you will learn about:
Video 1: Construction of a circle when its radius is known
Video 2: Examples of how to construct a circle
Video 3: Common mistakes made when constructing a circle
Video 1: How to construct a line segment
Video 2: Examples of constructing different line segments
Video 3: Common mistakes made when constructing a line segment
Video 1: What are perpendiculars and perpendicular bisectors and how to construct them
Video 2: How to draw a perpendicular and perpendicular bisector using a ruler and a compass
Video 3: Examples related to the construction of perpendiculars and perpendicular bisectors on a line segment
Video 4: Common mistakes made when constructing perpendiculars and perpendicular bisectors
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
In this course you will learn how to: