Video 1: How to calculate the area of a trapezium
Video 2: Examples pertaining to calculating the area of a trapezium
Video 3: Common mistakes made when calculating the area of a trapezium
Note: Click on the 'back button' after watching each video, in order to return to the VLE
Video 1: Area of a triangle
Video 2: Examples pertaining to the area of triangles
Video 3: Common mistakes made when calculating the area of a triangle
Note: Click on the 'back button' to return to the VLE after watching each video
Video 1: Area of a rectangle
Video 2: Examples pertaining to areas of rectangles
This video explains how to find factors.
Video 1: What are frequency polygons?
Video 2: Examples of frequency polygons
Video 3: Further examples of frequency polygons
Video 1: How to create a line graph based on data
Video 2: Examples of different line graphs
Video 3: Further examples of line graphs
This video explores how to transpose a formula.
Video 1: What are perpendiculars and perpendicular bisectors and how to construct them
Video 2: How to draw a perpendicular and perpendicular bisector using a ruler and a compass
Video 3: Examples related to the construction of perpendiculars and perpendicular bisectors on a line segment
Video 4: Common mistakes made when constructing perpendiculars and perpendicular bisectors
Video 1: Construction of a circle when its radius is known
Video 2: Examples of how to construct a circle
Video 3: Common mistakes made when constructing a circle
Video 1: How to construct angles of a given measurement using paper and a protractor
Video 2: How to construct angles of a given measurement using a compass
Video 3: Examples of constructing angles of specific measurements
Video 4: Common mistakes made when constructing angles of specific measurements