This is a document from Fuseschool- global education which simplifies the study of recurring decimals in a simple step.
Using a Venn Diagram, students identify similarities and differences between two things by listing certain features in a chart containing overlapping circles. Venn Diagrams can be used to summarize, compare, or comprehend information.
Kuagiza Nambari Hasi
Ordering negative numbers: Khan Academy video with the audio translated into Kiswahili.
Kubainisha asilimia ya kiasi na msingi
Identifying percent amount and base: Khan Academy video with the audio translated into Kiswahili.
Kuelezea maana ya asilimia
Describing the meaning of precent: a Khan Academy video on percentages with the audio translated into Kiswahili
Utangulizi wa utaratibu wa uendeshaji
Khan Academy video on order of operations with audio translated into Kiswahili
Video 1: Introduces the concepts of points, lines, rays and line segments
Video 2: Provides examples of points, lines, line segments and rays
Video 3: Common mistakes made
This YouTube video explores the concepts of approximations and estimations.
Video 1: Finding percentages with a double number line
Video 2: Finding the whole with a tape diagram
Online activity: Find percents visually
Video 1: The meaning of percent
Video 2: Meaning of 109%
Online activity 1: Percents
Video 3: Percents from fraction models
Online activity 2: Percents from fraction models