Topic outline

  • In this course you will learn about: 

    1. The relationship between the sides of a right-angled triangle.
    2. Using the Theorem of Pythagoras to find missing lengths in a right angled triangles. 

  • Sides of a right-angled triangle

    Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician who is credited with one of the most famous theorems, which relates the sides of a right-angled triangle, called Pythagoras’ theorem. 

    Before you continue with Pythagoras’ theorem revise the basics you need to know about triangles by clicking on: Classifying triangles.

    A right-angled triangle has one \({90}^\circ\) angle. The longest side of the right-angled triangle is found opposite the right-angle and is called the hypotenuse (pronounced ‘high - pot - eh - news’). 

    Click where you see the "+" in the image below to learn more.

    In the next activity you will discover the Theorem of Pythagoras for yourself.

  • Using the theorem of Pythagoras

    You can use the Theorem of Pythagoras to find the lengths of missing sides if you know that a triangle is right-angled. The theorem of Pythagoras has many applications in Trigonometry

    In the next video you will see a worked example to calculate the length of an unknown side in a right-angled triangle. This example will help you complete the activity in the video. When you have completed the video try the activity that follows.