Course image Health and Immunity
Form 1

In this unit you will learn about:

  • The importance of immunity and health
  • Understand factors which affect health and immunity
  • Understand the importance of good personal hygiene
  • The meaning of disease and infection
  • The common ways of transmisssion of common infections and diseases
  • Identify ways to prevent and control the transmission of common diseases and infections
  • How common sexually transmitted diseases including HIV are transmitted
  • Identify ways to prevent the spread of STI's
  • The importance of curative health
  • The importance of care and support for people living with HIV


Course image Safety in Our Environment
Form 1

In this unit you will learn:

  • The importance of First Aid
  • Identify components of a First Aid kit
  • Know procedures of giving First Aid
  • Identify and prevent potential accidents at home and school
  • Understand the basic principles of waste disposal
  • Demonstrate correct ways to dispose of waste

Course image Classification of Living Things
Form 1

In this unit you will learn about:

  • Concept of classification
  • Importance of classifying living things
  • How living things are grouped according to their similarities and differences 
  • Different types of classification systems
  • Major groups of living things
  • Ranks of classification
  • General and distinctive features of viruses
  • Structure of viruses
  • General and distinctive features of bacteria
  • Characteristics of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria
  • General and distinctive features of the Kingdon of Protoctista
  • Structure of Amoeba, Euglena, and Paramecium

Course image Cell Structure and Organisation
Form 1

In this unit you will learn about:

  • cells, and their main characteristics
  • different types of cells
  • the differences between plant and animal cells
  • cell differentiation, formation of tissues and organs

Course image Introduction to Laboratory practice
Form 1

In this unit you will learn about

  • Laboratory safety rules
  • the basic principles of scientific investigations

Course image Introduction to physics
Form 1

In this unit you will learn about:

concept of physics

applications of physics in real life

Course image Measurement
Form 1

In this unit you will learn about:

  • concepts of measurement
  • fundamental quantities
  • derived quantities
  • basic apparatus and their uses
  • density and relative density