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By the end of this section, you will be able to:
- Add or subtract fractions with a common denominator
- Add or subtract fractions with different denominators
- Use the order of operations to simplify complex fractions
- Evaluate variable expressions with fractions
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Part 1: Adding and subtracting fractions
Part 2: Examples of adding and subtracting fractions
Part 3: Common mistakes made when adding and subtracting fractions
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In this course you will learn about:
- Archimedes discovery.
- Why some objects float and others sink.
- Buoyant force.
- Archimedes principle.
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Solving a word problem to find average velocity and speed of an object in one-dimension.
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In this unit you will apply your understanding of the components of motion in one dimension using linear equations. This will help you to solve problems about motion in one direction and equip you to understand how these concepts apply to everyday life.
There are three equations for linear motion with constant acceleration. They can be used to calculate, and therefore predict, the outcome of motion when three out of the four variables are known.
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Part 1: Comparing like and unlike fractions
Part 2: Examples of comparing like and unlike fractions
Part 3: Common mistakes made when comparing fractions
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- Describe how the concept of density relates to an object's mass and volume.
- Explain how objects of similar mass can have differing volume, and how objects of similar volume can have differing mass.
- Explain why changing an object's mass or volume does not affect its density (ie, understand density as an intensive property).
- Measure the volume of an object by observing the amount of fluid it displaces.
- Identify an unknown material by calculating its density and comparing to a table of known densities.
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This YouTube video delves into the impact that tourism can have on a country's economy.
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This YouTube video delves into the impact that tourism can have on the environment.