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Fraction comparison with lowest common denominators.
Fraction comparison with lowest common denominators.
In this course you will learn about:
This YouTube video introduces Grade 8's / Form 1's to the basics of fractions.
This video explains how to order fractions by their size.
Unpacking the concept of writing fractions in the simplest form.
Video 1: How to construct a copy of an angle
Video 2:
Video 3: Common mistakes made when constructing an angle as a copy of another
Video 1: How to construct angles of a given measurement using paper and a protractor
Video 2: How to construct angles of a given measurement using a compass
Video 3: Examples of constructing angles of specific measurements
Video 4: Common mistakes made when constructing angles of specific measurements
Introduction to passive and active transport
YouTube video that explains how to use prime factorization to find the highest common factor and lowest common multiple. It is very simple using the method described in the video.
Part 1: Proper, improper and mixed fractions
Part 2: Examples of proper, improper and mixed fractions
Part 3: Common mistakes and misconceptions