More details
Video 1: How to add decimals
Video 2: Examples of adding decimals
Video 3: Common mistakes made when adding decimals
Video 1: How to add decimals
Video 2: Examples of adding decimals
Video 3: Common mistakes made when adding decimals
Video 1: An introduction to adding decimals
Video 2: Adding decimals with ones and tenths parts
Video 3: Adding decimals (tenths)
Video 4: Adding decimals (hundredths)
Video 5: Adding decimals with ones, tenths and hundredths
Online activity: This activity poses four questions where you are required to add different forms of decimals
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Part 1: Adding and subtracting fractions
Part 2: Examples of adding and subtracting fractions
Part 3: Common mistakes made when adding and subtracting fractions
Part 1: Applications of decimals
Part 2: Examples showing how the application of decimals is used in everyday life
Part 3: Common misconception when applying decimals
Video 1: Explores the conversion of fractions to decimals: tenths, hundredths and thousandths
Video 2: Two examples of converting fractions to decimals
Video 1: Dividing a decimal by a whole number with fraction models
Video 2: Dividing a decimal by a whole number on the number line
Video 3: Example of dividing a decimal by a whole number
Online activity 1: Dividing decimals by whole numbers
Video 4: Visually dividing a whole number by a decimal
Online activity 2: Dividing whole numbers by decimals
There are many different processes and phenomena that emit electromagnetic radiation. Humans have taken advantage of many of these processes to develop technologies that use electromagnetic radiation.
In this course you will learn about:
This YouTube video introduces Grade 8's / Form 1's to the basics of fractions.