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This video explores what recurring decimals are and how to write them as fractions.
This video explores what recurring decimals are and how to write them as fractions.
This YouTube video describes what recurring decimals are, and how to write them as fractions.
This is a document from Fuseschool- global education which simplifies the study of recurring decimals in a simple step.
This 20 minute YouTube video explores the differences between small and large scale agriculture and the uses of each.
This video explains how to round decimals.
This is an online activity providing you with exercises in sorting decimals from least to greatest.
Video 1: Strategies for subtracting decimals
Online activity 1: Subtracting decimals (tenths)
Video 2: Subtracting decimals (hundredths)
Video 3: More advanced subtraction strategies with hundredths
Online activity 2: Subtracting decimals (hundredths)
Video 1: Finding percentages with a double number line
Video 2: Finding the whole with a tape diagram
Online activity: Find percents visually
Worked examples finding displacement and distance from position-time graphs.