More details
Video 1: How to add decimals
Video 2: Examples of adding decimals
Video 3: Common mistakes made when adding decimals
Video 1: How to add decimals
Video 2: Examples of adding decimals
Video 3: Common mistakes made when adding decimals
Video 1: An introduction to adding decimals
Video 2: Adding decimals with ones and tenths parts
Video 3: Adding decimals (tenths)
Video 4: Adding decimals (hundredths)
Video 5: Adding decimals with ones, tenths and hundredths
Online activity: This activity poses four questions where you are required to add different forms of decimals
Part 1: Applications of decimals
Part 2: Examples showing how the application of decimals is used in everyday life
Part 3: Common misconception when applying decimals
In this lesson you will learn about:
This YouTube video explores the concepts of approximations and estimations.
These three short online lessons discuss asteroids, comets and meteors.
Video 1: Explores the conversion of fractions to decimals: tenths, hundredths and thousandths
Video 2: Two examples of converting fractions to decimals
An introduction to the difference between distance traveled and displacement.
Using a one-dimensional number line to visualise and calculate distance and displacement.
This online resource discusses the distribution of earth's water.