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Using position-time graphs and number lines to find displacement and distance traveled.
Using position-time graphs and number lines to find displacement and distance traveled.
Even though molecules, proteins, viruses, and cells are all tiny, there are significant size differences between them. The diameter of a water molecule is roughly 0.28 nanometers. The diameter of the protein hemoglobin is roughly 5 nanometers. The diameter of the HIV virus is roughly 120 nanometers. A red blood cell is 6-8 micrometers.
Video 1: Two-step inequalities
Video 2: Two-step inequality word problem
Video 3: Another two-step inequality word problem
Online activity 1: Answer the short questions on two-step inequalities
Online activity 2: Answer the two-step inequality word problems
This YouTube video elaborates on what weather is and what causes changes in the weather.
Worked examples finding displacement and distance from position-time graphs.