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- Predict how current will change when resistance of the circuit is fixed and voltage is varied.
- Predict how current will change when voltage of the circuit is fixed and resistance is varied.
You want a projectile to fly as far as possible, at which angle should you launch it? We'll start with formulas for the initial velocity.
Overview of animal and plant cells. Topics include cell walls, vacuoles, chloroplasts, peroxisomes, lysosomes, mitochondria, etc.
Plotting projectile displacement, acceleration, and velocity as a function of time.
This lesson will be the first of six lessons guiding students in constructing the abstract concepts necessary to understand adding positive and negative integers. It is designed for adult learners (or middle school or older) who are not fluent with using numbers. A real life lesson will be included in this series of lessons-Budgeting.
Figuring out the horizontal displacement for a projectile launched at an angle.
Visualising position, velocity and acceleration in two-dimensions for projectile motion.
Electrical devices convert the electrical energy carried by the charges into other types of energy such as heat, sound, and motion. Components in the appliance resist the flow of charge and are referred to as resistors. In this unit1 you will understand what resistance is, the factors that affect the resistance and the relationship between resistance and current.