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Kuelezea maana ya asilimia
Describing the meaning of precent: a Khan Academy video on percentages with the audio translated into Kiswahili
Kuelezea maana ya asilimia
Describing the meaning of precent: a Khan Academy video on percentages with the audio translated into Kiswahili
To lay the foundation for understanding what trigonometry is and how it works, do this next activity.
This YouTube video will guide you through a fun activity where you will draw the earth's continents and oceans.
In this online lesson you will learn how to compare measurements that have different units.
In this unit you will learn how to convert between common metric units of measure.
By the end of this course you will:
By the end of this course you will:
By the end of this short course, you will be able to:
This video explores how to multiply decimals by 10, 100, 1000 etc
Video 1: Understanding decimal multiplication
Video 2: Multiplying decimals using estimation
Video 3: Developing strategies for multiplying decimals
Video 4: Developing strategies for multiplying 2-digit decimals
Online activity 1: Drag and drop the product answer to match the correct expression
Online activity 2: Answer the decimal multiplication questions