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These three short online lessons discuss asteroids, comets and meteors.
These three short online lessons discuss asteroids, comets and meteors.
These two short online tutorials discuss how the earth rotates and then the earth's revolutions.
In the first URL, the YouTube video explains why earth has spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons. The second URL summarizes the key takeaway points.
This online tutorial will explain the earth's shape and its hemispheres.
This online article delves into our the sun and planets were formed.
Determining how fast something will be traveling upon impact when it is released from a given height.
These four short online lessons will cover the following:
This online resource explores the following topics:
In this chapter, we’ll use vectors to expand our understanding of forces and motion into two dimensions. Most real-world physics problems (such as with the game of pool pictured here) are, after all, either two- or three-dimensional problems and physics is most useful when applied to real physical scenarios. We start by learning the practical skills of graphically adding and subtracting vectors (by using drawings) and analytically (with math). Once we’re able to work with two-dimensional vectors, we apply these skills to problems of projectile motion, inclined planes, and harmonic motion.