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Introduction to the circulatory system and the heart
Introduction to the circulatory system and the heart
Overview of animal and plant cells. Topics include cell walls, vacuoles, chloroplasts, peroxisomes, lysosomes, mitochondria, etc.
Meiosis is a process that creates sex cells (gametes) with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell. Meiosis has two stages: meiosis I and meiosis II. In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange genetic material (crossing over). In meiosis II, sister chromatids separate, creating four haploid cells.
How homologous chromosomes separate into two sets. Prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I.
Electrical devices convert the electrical energy carried by the charges into other types of energy such as heat, sound, and motion. Components in the appliance resist the flow of charge and are referred to as resistors. In this unit1 you will understand what resistance is, the factors that affect the resistance and the relationship between resistance and current.
Role of phagocytes in innate or nonspecific immunity. Neutrophils, macrophages, and dendritic cells.
Most of us use electricity every day in many different ways so it is important that we understand the dangers, or hazards, associated with electricity and we know how to use it safely.