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This video explains how to solve inequalities.
This video explains how to solve inequalities.
The division and multiplication of integers
Order of operations
Scalars and vectors are two kinds of quantities that are used in physics and math. Scalars are quantities that only have magnitude (or size), while vectors have both magnitude and direction. Explore some examples of scalars and vectors, including distance, displacement, speed, and velocity.
This video introduces you to the concept of ratios.
Introduction to the cell.
Introduction to cellular respiration, glycolysis, the Kreb's Cycle, and the electron transport chain.
Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Energy can be found in many things and can take different forms. For example, kinetic energy is the energy of motion, and potential energy is energy due to an object's position or structure. Energy is never lost, but it can be converted from one form to another.
Light and the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Wave and particle-like behaviour, and how to calculate the wavelength or frequency of a light wave.
Video 1: The meaning of percent
Video 2: Meaning of 109%
Online activity 1: Percents
Video 3: Percents from fraction models
Online activity 2: Percents from fraction models
An overview of what physics is about as we delve deeper in future videos. How physics is related to math, the other sciences, and the world around us.