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The idea of the electric field, how it's useful, and explains how the electric field is defined.
The idea of the electric field, how it's useful, and explains how the electric field is defined.
The flicker of numbers on a handheld calculator, nerve impulses carrying signals of vision to the brain, an ultrasound device sending a signal to a computer screen, the brain sending a message for a baby to twitch its toes, an electric train pulling into a station, a hydroelectric plant sending energy to metropolitan and rural users—these and many other examples of electricity involve electric current, which is the movement of charge. Humanity has harnessed electricity, the basis of this technology, to improve our quality of life.
There are many different processes and phenomena that emit electromagnetic radiation. Humans have taken advantage of many of these processes to develop technologies that use electromagnetic radiation.
In this unit you will learn:
Why do astronauts appear weightless despite being near the Earth?
How to solve for the horizontal displacement when the projectile starts with a horizontal initial velocity. We also explain common mistakes people make when doing horizontally launched projectile problems.
This podcast (audio) file explains how electric current can be obtained from the sun through the solar panel using direct illumination of the sun rays
Figuring out the acceleration of ice down a plane made of ice.