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In this course you will learn about:
- The concept of pressure
- Pressure due to solids
- Pressure in liquids
- Atmospheric pressure
In this course you will learn about:
This online resource introduces the geocentric and heliocentric models. Exoplants, planets and their motions, planetary orbits, the role of gravity and how the solar system was formed are also covered.
This fascinating video details the journey that a group of friends made in Nevada. Their aim was to illustrate the solar system to scale.
An exploration of how the area under a force vs. position graph equals the work done by the force and solves some sample problems.
What exactly is energy? How can changes in force, energy, and simple machines move objects like roller coaster cars? How can machines help us do work? In this chapter, you will discover the answer to this question and many more, as you learn about work, energy, and simple machines.
An exploration through some example problems on the concept of work.