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In this course you will learn about:
- Archimedes discovery.
- Why some objects float and others sink.
- Buoyant force.
- Archimedes principle.
In this course you will learn about:
Concept of density. This YouTube video will provide information about the concept of density. It’s great to use as an introduction to the topic or as a way to summarise the topic.
Density of a solid for a regular shaped body. Definition, meaning and its simple calculation
This podcast (audio) file explains how electric current can be obtained from the sun through the solar panel using direct illumination of the sun rays
Electrical devices convert the electrical energy carried by the charges into other types of energy such as heat, sound, and motion. Components in the appliance resist the flow of charge and are referred to as resistors. In this unit1 you will understand what resistance is, the factors that affect the resistance and the relationship between resistance and current.
Most of us use electricity every day in many different ways so it is important that we understand the dangers, or hazards, associated with electricity and we know how to use it safely.
This diagram, Vernier scale use 0.02 scale measurement is 19.44 mm, illustrates how to read the length of the given object using vernier calliper.
When a circuit is connected and complete, charge can move through the circuit. Charge will not move unless there is a reason, a force to drive it around the circuit. Think of it as though charge is at rest and some- thing has to push it along. This means that work needs to be done to make charge move. A force acts on the charges, doing work, to make them move. The force is provided by the battery in the circuit.