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Introduction to bacteria
Introduction to bacteria
An introduction to the difference between distance traveled and displacement.
Using a one-dimensional number line to visualise and calculate distance and displacement.
Managing time involves accurately predicting how much time it will take to do a task, and then setting aside that amount of time to complete it. Managing time is much more difficult than it may seem, which is why there are entire courses of study and research on the best approaches. But if you develop a method to undertake each component, you’ll be successful.
Using position-time graphs and number lines to find displacement and distance traveled.
An exploration of how the area under a force vs. position graph equals the work done by the force and solves some sample problems.
What exactly is energy? How can changes in force, energy, and simple machines move objects like roller coaster cars? How can machines help us do work? In this chapter, you will discover the answer to this question and many more, as you learn about work, energy, and simple machines.
An exploration through some example problems on the concept of work.
Worked examples finding displacement and distance from position-time graphs.