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This video explains the angles of elevation and depression.
This video explains the angles of elevation and depression.
In this lesson you will learn that:
Electric charge comes in two varieties, which we call positive and negative. Like charges repel each other, and unlike charges attract each other. Thus, two positive charges repel each other, as do two negative charges. A positive charge and a negative charge attract each other.
How do we know there are two types of electric charge? When various materials are rubbed together in controlled ways, certain combinations of materials always result in a net charge of one type on one material and a net charge of the opposite type on the other material. By convention, we call one type of charge positive and the other type negative.
An online application to test your knowledge of evaluating trigonometric functions of special angles.
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
By the end of this course you will be able to:
Short tutorial on trigonometry
Introduction to viruses