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The idea of the electric field, how it's useful, and explains how the electric field is defined.
The idea of the electric field, how it's useful, and explains how the electric field is defined.
The flicker of numbers on a handheld calculator, nerve impulses carrying signals of vision to the brain, an ultrasound device sending a signal to a computer screen, the brain sending a message for a baby to twitch its toes, an electric train pulling into a station, a hydroelectric plant sending energy to metropolitan and rural users—these and many other examples of electricity involve electric current, which is the movement of charge. Humanity has harnessed electricity, the basis of this technology, to improve our quality of life.
This YouTube video delves into the impact that tourism can have on the environment.
In this course you will learn how to:
In this video we’re going to discover how to factorise quadratics that don’t have 1 as the coefficient of the x-squared term. These are called non-monic quadratics. We can do it by trial and error and just spotting the factors, but this takes a lot of trial an error. Luckily there is a different method we can use instead, which we will looks at in this video.
This video explains how to find factors.
By the end of this lesson you will be able to:
In this unit you will learn: