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This video explains the equation of a circle.
This video explains the equation of a circle.
This video looks at the exterior angles of polygons.
Video 1: How to construct a copy of an angle
Video 2:
Video 3: Common mistakes made when constructing an angle as a copy of another
Video 1: How to construct angles of a given measurement using paper and a protractor
Video 2: How to construct angles of a given measurement using a compass
Video 3: Examples of constructing angles of specific measurements
Video 4: Common mistakes made when constructing angles of specific measurements
Scalars and vectors are two kinds of quantities that are used in physics and math. Scalars are quantities that only have magnitude (or size), while vectors have both magnitude and direction. Explore some examples of scalars and vectors, including distance, displacement, speed, and velocity.
An overview of what physics is about as we delve deeper in future videos. How physics is related to math, the other sciences, and the world around us.
To lay the foundation for understanding what trigonometry is and how it works, do this next activity.
Managing time involves accurately predicting how much time it will take to do a task, and then setting aside that amount of time to complete it. Managing time is much more difficult than it may seem, which is why there are entire courses of study and research on the best approaches. But if you develop a method to undertake each component, you’ll be successful.